One of my favorite things to do as a child was to build a fort. Yesterday was a rainy day, and Caroline was sick (of course) on top of that, so to entertain everyone, we built a fort. A big one. We used a queen sized quilt, four dining room chairs, and a couple of sheets. I could even sit down in it, and it took up a lot of our living room. Even a grumpy sick girl was reasonably happy in her new environs.
What do you do after you've worn yourself out playing creatively in a fort? You use the chairs at the front of the fort to sit in and watch an episode of Kipper the Dog. Caroline has been running a fever, so she's pretty low on energy, and we've certainly watched more television than usual!
Today we did something we've never done before at home: we painted. I bought the paints and brushes about six months ago, and the easel for that matter, with the thought of a Christmas gift (yes, that was four months before Christmas, and I usually shop on Christmas eve--I don't know what got into me:) ). Come Christmastime I had forgotten about the easel, and already bought more than enough gifts for the kids, so when I remembered it, I decided not to give it to them. One snowy day in January we were looking for something to do, and I thought of the easel. It's a chalkboard on one side, and a white erase board on the other, with a roll of paper in the middle.
I figured that those elements were enough of a treat, and I didn't give them the paint I had also bought. Today after we went for a rainy day walk and we were starting to feel a little cooped up again, I decided it was the day to paint. They loved it!
Caroline painted three pictures, and Jack painted two.
We hung them up to dry on the stone around the wood stove.
They have distinct painting styles. Jack is very intent, and does a lot of color in a small space, while Caroline's pictures are more spread out. These are Jack's:
And these are Caroline's: