The Competitors:
The Chef and his Mini-Me...
The Stud and his HOT Babes
The Cheering Squad /Babysitting Crew
As you can see, this was a definitely a family affair. We grilled tri-tip and served it over soda-jerk beans (the inspiration of Mr. Will Fike). People loved the beans AND the tri-tip, because, honestly, who makes the best tri-tip in the whole world?? As Trace said later, we cheated and manipulated our way to the top. Cheating because the rules said we were supposed to be serving only meat, but we had beans as well. The manipulation part came in the form of the hot babes: Trace and Andrew were in charge of the meat and Holly and I served it up with a smile. (They even made me wear red lipstick-this being all part of Trace's plan.) We were certainly the friendliest booth out there. (Maybe the gin and tonics helped?)The Idea Man and the Princess
This may come as no surprise to those of you reading this, but we did win. To quote Jack, "We won! That means everybody else lost!" (and no, this wasn't spoken with empathy but with perfect glee.)
We even got medals enscribed with 2009 BBQ Champions!
Oh, yes and did I forget to mention that there was a live band? Because this was surely one of Caroline's favorite parts. I never knew she could tap-dance but apparently she can. Hopefully you enjoy this little video:
All in all it was a very successful and fun event.
Post Script:
Many thanks to Mike and Ellen who made pom-poms (including a purple one for Caroline), cheered us on, and volunteered to entertain the kids. They went to the park, danced, and by the end of the night both kids were wound up by all the excitement and super sleepy.
-Created by Becky Miller, my first blog post.
For the record: Never try to do some nifty formatting when posting a blog, because it proceeds to mess the whole thing up once you post it. AND the little preview button does NOT show an accurate preview.
This may be my last post ever....grumble...
Ahhh, no grumbles! I like it! Thanks for posting Miss BBQ Champion! And you're right, the preview is nothing like it. Okay, got to go get Jack some apple juice. Thanks again!
Hey! I'm impressed! I was just thinking, before I read your comment, that I liked your formatting! Maybe its not what you meant it to be, but I like it.
Looks like you guys all had one fun time. Caroline, you are an amazing tap dancer! I would agree, you are HOT babes!
Mitch wants to know if you were serving gin and tonic to the people who came or if you were just drinking them yourselves and that's what made you so friendly? Not that you're not the friendliest crew already, we just wanted to know:)
ourselves, hence the friendliness:)
We're glad you won but we'd like you to prove to us that you won-- would you like to come up here and make some for us so we can do a taste test? Missing monday night dinners and missing you,
-Michael and Maia
PS- that was some amazing tap dancing Caroline
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