Caroline has been practicing going on the potty. Last Saturday she woke up and the first thing she said was: "I want to go poop on the potty mom." And indeed she did. In fact all day last Saturday she used her own potty, and we even took it with us to Grandma and Grandpa's. No accidents. However since then it's been hit or miss, so to speak. But we're working on it.
We've definitely spent some time in the swimming pool in the last two weeks. Caroline loves the water, and will "swim" and float with anyone. Jackson, on the other hand, is willing to put his feet in the water. He'll play in the hot tub all day, or even his kiddie pool, but the big pool is scary. Next week we're going to start basic swim lessons for him, so we'll see if that helps his fear.Isn't this a cute picture of Becky and Dave? They came over to Chuck and Caroline's to go swimming with us one day, and we all cooled off in the pool.
Other than that, we've been reading our favorite book. Caroline especially likes the page with the birthday party: she even reads it herself to her baby dolls. Yes, this is the book Aunt Katie and Uncle Mitch made for us, and we read it a lot.
Jack took a picture of Caroline's favorite page and told me to show everyone.
Finally we finish with a video of Caroline swimming with Trace. She truly loves the water. Jack loves the toys that float, including the life vest. We've been having a great summer!
Oh, and as a postscript, thanks to Katie for the Orange Julius recipe(http://www.laughterintheclementhouse.blogspot.com). We've been enjoying it!
I think these two would stay on the swings all day, if anyone was willing to push them that long! Luckily they also like to go on their bellies, which they can do by themselves, and sometimes Jack will push Caroline.
As a side note, many thanks to Becky and Dave for taking my kids all afternoon. It's nice to have a break, and refreshing for all of us. You guys are great!
I took three short videos, at the kids request, that they wanted Anna and Josie to see. The first is of Jackson jumping into the water from a rock, and then there's one of Caroline "swimming," and one of Jack "swimming."
While we were having all this fun in the water (and it was fun for all three of us: sitting in the water up to my waist I felt like the temperature was the same from the water and the air. Lovely.), Trace and Will had wandered upstream and were doing some fishing.