Oh my, I am sipping red wine, nibbling on dark chocolate, and typing at the computer with the wind chimes singing out front and a breeze making me think it might not quite be summer yet.
A moment to appreciate the moment.
If you don't know this about us, we love to have company, to host our friends and family. It's been a lovely day with two friends of Andrew's who came over to help him get the boat running (it did--eventually), and then our friend John came up for dinner also. There's not much better in my world than sitting around chatting after a delicious meal cooked by Trace. Yum.
In other news, my three year old was as sweet as they come today. He's not always that way, especially to his sister. He's all boy, and she, despite having three older brothers, is quite girl-y. This means that we spend a lot of time reminding Jackson that he needs to be gentle with his sister, not wrestling and pushing. Today, however, she was a bit cranky after her nap, and she'd finished the piece of quesedilla I'd made and wanted more. I was working out in the garden, however, and suggested that she share Jackson's granola bar instead. Jack ran off toward the house at this point, as I held Caroline and tried to pull weeds with one hand. A few minutes later he reappeared with a tortilla folded around a piece of cheese. He said: "I made her a quesedilla Mom, but I didn't cook it." It was so sweet, and she wandered happily around the yard eating it. He'd climbed on a stool, opened the fridge--it's a built-in, so it's hard to access--and chosen one tortilla, and then carefully wrapped it around a piece of cheese I'd cut for him earlier. It took a lot of effort, and more than that, it showed a lot of care for his little sister. I love when they're kind to each other!
Most of the time, however, Jackson is all boy, as evidenced by this video:
He's created a mud puddle under the hammock by dumping a pail of water there, and he's riding his bike in it, with the goal of making a rooster tail. He has no idea that his back looks like this:
I came upon him in the process of refilling his puddle, so I have no idea if it was originally an accidental discovery, or if he'd planned the whole thing. Either is equally likely, knowing Jack. He was truly a happy mess, just as a three year old boy should be!